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Newborn Baby Care Tips India

Newborn Baby Care Tips India

Welcome to all new moms and dads. I congratulate you on the blessed ones and wish you all the best for your new beginning. When a new baby is born, then actually two more persons reborn. The father and mother (especially in the case of the first child). So basically, the three of them have to adjust and understand each other. As the little one cannot do anything, then the parents must be more active and understandable. This post will explain the Newborn Baby Care Tips India.

In yesteryears, in most of the cases, it was assumed that the child was the sole responsibility of the mother or female members and the father or the male members have nothing much to do. Nowadays, as both the father and mother are working, they have to spare the work. So there must be someone to guide them on what to do and what not.


Newborn Baby Care Tips India | Things to Do and Not to Do for Newborn Babies

Due to our current lifestyle, many people live in a nuclear family, and they have no one to guide them in this sensitive matter. In this smart world, we prefer to search our queries on the internet rather than asking anyone. So those who are writing on this platform should be very careful and genuine. Being a mother, I want to write something based on my own experience.


Things to Do for Newborn Babies:


  • Let’s start with how to hold the babies: Always remember that the baby’s bones and muscles are very soft. So whenever you hold the baby, place one hand behind the bottom and the other hand behind the shoulder beneath the head to provide support to the neck.


  • While purchasing clothes for babies, please prefer to buy clothes made of cotton fabric to give the baby a comfortable feeling to their soft skin.


  • Always prepare a separate bed for the baby. That means you only use cotton beds rather than a mattress. It helps to give the baby a proper body posture.


  • Try burping your child after feeding. Hold them by your shoulder and tap at their back. It helps to release the gas and protect them from a stomach ache or gas-related problems.


  • Place your babies on their back, not on bellies. Allow the babies to fall asleep on their own and also make sure that they should wake up by themselves.


  • Play soft and slow music that makes the baby happier.


  • After wiping or bathing, let the baby dry completely because due to moisture left in between thighs or private parts, skin infections may occur.


  • Though it is challenging to trim the baby’s nails, try to do it. Otherwise, sometimes it causes injury to the baby.


  • Always use Luke warm water to wash or wipe the babies.


Things Not to Do for Newborn Babies:


  • Never shake or joggle the baby in the air. The baby may fall and may have some serious issues.


  • Do not talk loudly or play loud music while the baby is sleeping.


  • If both parents were working or very busy still, they should not leave the responsibility entirely on any outsiders.


  • Do not use perfumes or scented wipes because they have chemicals.


  • Don’t put soft toys around the baby because the soft toys’ furs easily catch dust and dirt.


  • Try to use less diapers, or you can change it frequently.


  • If the baby is crying continuously, then try to find out the reason; don’t take it lightly.


  • Do not swing the cradle fast.


  • Don’t take too many photos, especially don’t use the flashlight because it had a terrible effect on his/her eyes.


  • Never give the same medicine even for the same problem without asking doctors.


  • Do not smoke near the baby. It indeed severely affects the lungs.


  • Don’t do any action with the baby hurriedly.


  • Never force the baby for any reason like eating, sleeping, laughing, etc.


  • Don’t hold the baby very tightly.



As already mentioned, we have to be careful because they are very soft and having less immunity; make sure that the person who holds the baby should properly clean his/her hands.  Cover or wrap the newly born baby in a soft blanket while holding or taking outside. It gives the newborn a sense of comfort and security like in the mother’s womb.

So these are some Newborn Baby Care Tips India that I think will help you. Apart from all the rules, always accept the views of experienced persons. Above all, no one in this world can understand your child better than you, so listen to your heart.

May God bless and help you to go through this journey.

My good wishes to all new moms and dads.👍

Author: Mrs. Sarada Mishra, Senior Teacher

Prabhushree English Medium School, Puri